Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
The execution felt a little bit anti-climactic, but I did really like the build-up to it. The lone scene afterwards, the young lawyer alone in the meadow, which I assume was the one that Jarek described to him from his childhood, shouting to himself, was effective but not exactly tear-jerking or anything.

What did you find so haunting about it? And is it any different in the full version?

Just wanted to mention, the ending here and the storyline as a whole really reminded me of Dead Man Walking with Sean Penn. Ever seen it? I had the sort of reaction to that, that you felt towards this.
I've not seen the Dekalog version of Killing, but I believe Capo has seen both, so he would know if the endings were different.

I haven't seen Dead Man Walking either.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!