Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
[b]The Squid and the Whale (2005) -
Director: Noah Baumbach
Set in a 1980s-Brooklyn, a high school under-grad and his younger brother are left in the stressful situation of joint-custody when their parents finally decide to give in and divorce.
Here's a movie that struck close to home. Having expirienced my own parents divorce, I found myself being able to relate to this film completely. Baumbach captures not only the stress of joint-custody, but also the humor. While divorce is a stressing and a depressing expirience, I also found humor in the entire idea as a child. The film captures that humor... the confusion, and everything that follows. I can relate exact scenes in this film to my own expiriences--IE, children picking "sides" with one parent or the other. In adition, I enjoyed Baumbach's use of music. I was estatic to find that the film features by favorite Lou Reed song, "Street Hassle" as well as Pink Floyd's "Hey You". [/b]
I'm glad to see you enjoyed it as well LLC. I think I gave it 3 stars myself. It was pleasantly surprising and Linney and Daniels worked well together (and the kids, especially the younger one who continued to curse, were well cast)