Eyes Wide Shut

Did I miss something? Was this a joke? Was this just Stanley Kubrick, master filmmaker of numerous classics, just saying to us all, "Hey! Guess what? I'm gonna start developing this movie in the early 80's, but not release it until 1999, and I'm gonna take nearly 2 years to shoot it, and take a year for post-production, and I'm gonna have Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. And guess what? The movie's gonna suck!"

Because yeah, it did. I hated it. I really hated it. The first half an hour or so showed promise, I'll give it that, but wow, after that, I should've just gone and stared at my toilet for the remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes of further running time. Yeah, so, don't waste your time. I don't know what happened to Stanley.

This deserves 0 stars but I'll give it 1 because
A. At least Tom Cruise seems like he's giving it his all
B. I enjoyed the Alan Cummings cameo. although it felt horribly out of place.

1/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.