Either way, Hagen is right about one thing: BAD BOYS 2 is ass.

THE ITALIAN JOB (2003) - **1/2

Enjoyable if unremarkable heist-revenge action picture. Remake of the memorable 60's picture with Michael Caine. Reportedly, Edward Norton was forced by studio contract to do this film, and boy does he show that he really wanted nothing to do with this flick, but I don't blame him. Meanwhile, one problem still does bug me.

Jason Statham carried any of the good stuff in those TRANSPORTER pictures of his because he oozes masculinity. You actually believe he would take control of the situation by himself and yes, beat the fuck out of everyone. So seeing him being an underling to Mark Whalberg is like seeing America following the lead of Portugal. Not that Whalberg himself is bad, for FOUR BROTHERS showed that he is capable in such action fare, but Statham is just fucking cooler than Marky Mark can ever hope for.

Speaking of which, the cover rendition of Pink Floyd's "Money" by a strange medley of some Guns & Roses and Stone Temple Pilots.....well, lets just say it made me appreciate the string and vocal work of Gilmour in the first place.