Sarkar-- A Hindi tribute to a little film called The Godfather. This stars my two absolute favorite Indian actors ever, father and son Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan. Abhishek actually won an IIFA award for his portrayal of Shankar, who is like the Michael Corleone character. Well-deserved, in my opinion-- he did a fantastic job.

It's not made to be exactly an Indian version of GF, there are some things that are different in the plot, as well as the entire setting of the film and its political storyline. The director has a statement in the Special Features saying that he wasn't trying to duplicate The Godfather, only pay tribute to it. But a lot of it is very similar; it even starts with a guy coming to Sarkar and asking for justice for his daughter's rape.

This doesn't have any of the usual singing and dancing of Hindi films (which I love, but a lot of people hate, I guess) so if that would have been a deterrent in anyone's watching this movie, don't worry about it.

svsg, what does Sarkar mean, literally? Is it a title, or does it actually mean godfather, or what?