Billy Wilder Speaks
1992/Grischow & Schlöndorff

An interesting documentary, rather a set of casual interviews of 83 year old Wilder looking back on his famed filmography and discussing his impressions of different actors as well as his his own methods for writing and directing. I never knew that Wilder was such a heavily-accented Austrian, especially with an American name like Billy Wilder. His anecdotes and discussions, while sometimes rambling, were consistently interesting and entertaining, and give some sense of depth to the behind-the-scenes aspect of his films. Although most of the information presented here has since been plastered all over the internet, so there wasn't much new, it was fun to hear Wilder retell it all. Overall a solid piece for a fan of any of his films. It makes me want to see Stalag 17, Double Indemnity, and Sabrina. He most definitely was one of the great directors of his time.

3.5/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.