
An interesting companion piece to Annie Hall, similar, but clearly different in many respects. I loved Allen's use of Gershwin here, almost mocking them by playing them in somewhat sarcastic and contradictory scenes, but yet simultaneously paying homage to them. Both Woody and Diane Keaton deliver performances similarly as great as their work in Annie Hall, but sadly they don't share as much screen time in this one. And I never knew Michael Murhpy was an established actor. Go figure. Overall, really enjoyed this movie, not as much as Annie Hall, but still very good. Two things make me wonder though . . .

A. Why is it in black and white? This is probably the only post-color-option black and white film where I felt it hurt the movie. I loved Annie Hall's kind of dullish, orangey mix of tones with shadows and whatnot.


B. Why does Woody denounce this film as the worst thing he's ever done? I'm reading on imdb that he supposely hated it then and hates it now. Kind of strange.

Anyway, my next Allen will probably be Crimes and Misdemeanors. As for Manhattan . . .

4/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.