The Apartment

Enjoyed this film, especially for the aura of being drenched in early 60's style. Jack Lemmon and Billy Wilder's work together, which I first saw in Some Like it Hot, was brilliant here as well. Shirley MacLaine and Fred MacMurray were both decent. Really liked the beginning of the film, with the introduction to C.C. Baxter, but sadly, Wilder chose not to continue Baxter's narration past the opening 10 minutes or so. I also wasn't sure about the seemingly sharp turn the film took away from comedy in the mid-section, although this part of the film did provide some interesting matierial as I was surprised to see how lightly and openly suicide was referenced considering the time and subject matter of this film.

And the final romance between Lemmon and MacLaine, while it could be seen coming from a mile away, wasn't quite adequately formulated in my mind. Overall, a decent picture, made great by the Lemmon-Wilder combination. I'm looking forward to seeing Double Indemnity at some point.

4/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.