If Bootleggers count my great uncle whom my father is named after I knew as Uncle Sie (pronounced sigh) is of Lebanese descent shot and killed Bernie Shelton in the parking lot of my great uncles tavern called The Hitching Post back in 1948...and on my mothers side which is Italian my great uncle who went by Dink Gianatti he was a mechanic for The Shelton Gang and was in charge of putting all the bullet proof on there cars back in the 30s and 40s he was mainly close with the Bernies two older brothers Big Earl and Carl Shelton....I still have Bernies shoulder holster in a closet of mine at home that was given to my grandfather from my great uncle Dink on my mothers side in which my grandfather had passed down to me.

Last edited by PeoriaSonny309; 05/06/18 08:50 PM.