Originally posted by svsg:
[b]Evil Dead *
I was not sure whether I should watch it after midnight, this being my first serious horror movie. There were a couple of scary frames, but most of the movie was filled with blood, other disgusting fluids, chopping off heads, dismembering bodies etc which were more gory and violent than scary. I hope I don't have any bad dreams now!
Any suggestions for scary movies with a little less gory stuff? I realized I have missed out on this genre entirely [/b]
Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I haven't seen it, but wasn't Evil Dead supposed to lean towards comedic?
I'd call it tongue in cheek horror. But some scenes are very graphic and disturbing still, even by today's standards. Bruce Cambell is hilarious as Ash, with his facial expressions I consider him the original Jim Carey.

Evil Dead II is much better but I prefer the third installment over them all - Army of Darkness.

So die all who betray Giuliano