Originally Posted by BillyBrizzi
Both my parents are as white as the whitest Lilies of the Valley, but I identify as BLACK.. I know a lot people over here will make fun of me from now on, but I really don't care anymore because transracial people also need to have a voice who will speak on their behalf.. According to my mother it all started from a very young age, when I wouldn't wear anything but FUBU and would only speak Ebonics. I've made a decision after watching the Netflix documentary about the incredibly brave Rachel Dolezal, that I will no longer hide my true self and therefore decided with my personal physician that we will implement the proper plastic surgeries as soon as possible, so that my transition will become as complete as possible..


No , just no

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb