Originally Posted by JC
Originally Posted by Japseye1
yeah no way would Roy turn. What a waste

Not a waste at all, the guy was a demented psycho path who was making his money at least in part through kiddie porn. Guys like that with a lot of blood on their hands tend to have a short shelf life, a great example is Sam DeStefano in Chicago, he made a huge amount of money, but he was nuts. He became a liability and and he got hit in his own garage. Eventually the value of someone as a killer and an earner isn't enough, and in those days as soon as you became a liability it was lights out.

Demeo crew was made by car thiefes and drug dealers and anyway they are criminals but Castellano considered himself more like a businness man than a criminal.
DeStefano,Demeo,Spilotro and others was killed by bosses that fear media attention caused by their men,as long as they made money in silence they are good earners, but when they attract a little attention immediately the boss worried about it;at the end isn't important if you're a sociopath or worste the important is to made money in silence;DeStefano,DeMeo,Spilotro ecc was killed for this not because was sociopaths.