Originally posted by svsg:
[b]Mulholland Drive
Didn't understand a single bit. Is this supposed to be like modern art, where no one understands, but everyone pretends to appreciate it, just to avoid looking ridiculous? I had the same experience with "The Lost Highway" and eventually had to google to find out what it was all about. But now I am really not inclined to find out what Lynch wants to say here. Lost Highway, Machinist (non Lynch), Mulholland Drive.... what next? I am sick of films that conveniently introduce imagination/fantasy bullshit plot in the pretext of creating mystery. Tell me a simple story. I refuse to google to find out what you are saying. Okay no more Lynch movies for me [/b]
I agree. I don't think anyone outside the set understood what this movie was supposed to be about. As I said when I watched it, it's probably "weird for the sake of being weird"