Originally posted by svsg:
[b]Mulholland Drive
Didn't understand a single bit. Is this supposed to be like modern art, where no one understands, but everyone pretends to appreciate it, just to avoid looking ridiculous?[/b]
My thoughts on Mulholland Dr. read:
It is best to approach this film as an unfathomable nightmare, and let it unfold itself; for, in true Lynch style, the meaning here is not an obvious one, presented as a character-switching Chinese-box-like succession of dark and disturbing fantasies. It registers on the unconscious and lingers on the mind like the most haunting of dreams.
My thoughts on Lost Highway read:
A teasing, complex mystery on identity, told as an elongated, inescapable nightmare for all, with characters switching into others; it begs for rewatches, and becomes more rewarding with each one.
Didn't you find Mulholland Dr. to be full of beautiful images? Didn't it touch upon your emotions at times that few films can even dream of achieving? Didn't it pull you into its nightmarish textures and identity crises with every lingering shot of a dark corridor or corner of a sparse, barely-lit room?

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?