Originally Posted by blueracing347
I don't want to sound sexist but this is my observation. We can never go back to the stay at home mom days again. Throughout history the constant was/is that the man always works. Women wanted change and were sick of being "second class". They started voting, they started working, and they were sick of being secretary's and wanted that CEO position. They had their movements and got what they wanted. For some reason they still complain about equal rights which I find to be ridiculous in 2018. The sacrifice thaT was made for women to be empowered was that the norm is now both paRents have to work in order to get by. When you look at children growing up today they don't thaT constant of a mom to be home. And then the best is when the mother does better than the husband and the kid has to see the woman being the sole provider. Or kids having two moms or two dads. These are the root causes of the problems we have in society today. Everything looked pretty Fucking good for the u.s. in the 50's. Then we started having all these choices and here we are. Nobody's happy, we have transgenders but don't cut their pricks off (they should really be called crossdressers), blacks and women still feel unappreciated, we have ten year car loans, 40 year mortgages, kIds od'ing on drugs at an alarming rate, standardized testing, the loss of art and music class, women having kids with multiple dad's, dad's still not paying child support, and the Fucking list goes on. Back in the day, the average household had a mortgage, utilities, a car payment but it could be paid by a man working and the wife having a part time job if need be. Now, there's a mortgage, utilities, cable bills costing $150+, cell phone bills, two car payments plus insurance, credit cards, student loans, kids cell phone bill, groceries over $200 a week for a family of four, no more pensions, then there's the retards that have ten year rooms to go payments, if you have a nice lawn you need to have it sprayed or it gets weeds and bugs down here in FL, and I'm sure there are many other things I'm missing. I make more than my parents did combined but I cant afford to have my wife stay home. So keep those Fucking brief cases women, this is what you wanted.

That's a good ,if not politically correct,summary..I agree..BUT I do wish my wife could stay home, I feel bad 4 her, bustin' her ass.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...