EDIT: This is in reference to Chinatown. I couldn't sneak this post in before others got in front of me.

Wait, I still don't quite get it. Let me see if I can piece it together.

For his final showdown with Cross, Gittes calls him and arranges a meeting at the Mulwray mansion - the scene of the crime - and he baits him: "Have you got your checkbook handy, Mr. Cross? I've got the girl." Gittes also possesses what he believes provides clear evidence of who murdered Mulwray - the camera pans down to Cross' pair of smashed bifocals that were fished out of the pond - they sit on the table by the phone.
So Jake is trying to bring Cross to the Mulwray mansion to confront him with the evidence of the murder and the information he holds about his incestious fathering of Catherine. But why would he go to the mansion and confront Cross alone? What good does that do? He's not hoping to get money out of him, but yet he doesn't notify Escobar of his meeting with Cross either. What exactly were Gittes' motivations at this point?

That's where I got lost.

I dream in widescreen.