I started off my "summer movie marathon" last night :p . I plan to watch movies I haven't seen yet that are generally regarded as good films.

Bottle Rocket(1996) Wes Anderson/USA *****
Great film. Up there with Anderson's best. The atmosphere, the humor, the characters are all excellent. After seeing this I have concluded that Wes Anderson hasn't made a bad film yet.

Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries(1957) Ingmar Bergman/Sweden *****
I was a bit dissapointed after seing The Seventh Seal. It was a good film but not as good as everyone makes it out to be. This movie, however, does live up to expectations. It's a touching story of life, of regrets, of aging, of living. Great performance by Victor Sjöström and great film overall. This movie has motivated me to check out some other Bergman films :p .