Originally Posted by The_Rooster
AGAIN Nicky, apples and oranges when trying to compare Scranton, Tampa, and New Orleans. Just cant compare, different beasts.

Why not, Roost? Do they have different rules to Buffalo?

Originally Posted by The_Rooster

Unless you ofcourse are saying that any of them are active? Do you have any other info on Tampa other than articles? and if so how can we believe you and that you simply arent just misleading because you are or arent from Tampa?

You know what? Despite what articles say, Tampa is still active. 60+ made members. Work with the cartel to traffic cocaine across America. Vin LoScalzo is head of the Commission. Steve Raffa faked his suicide and now lives under the name "Art Vandaley" and sells patio furniture. I heard it from reliable sources (beat cops and people in the know). These beat cops say they are trying to find new leads on this Vandaley guy because the patio furniture he sells is counterfeit. They also work with Raul Castro to smuggle guns to Cuba, just the Trafficantes conspired to do in the 50s.