Originally Posted by NickleCity
@Nicky...I am still looking for the original 2006 FBI chart so you can answer my questions. Below is a list of Buffalo made men from the 2006 FBI chart who were still alive in 2015. It was posted on Black Hand Forum posted by tmorrata:

Frank Bifulco: Retired and living in Florida
Harold Bordanaro: Retired in Canada.
Pasquale Brindisi
Russell Carcone: Living in Utica. Might still be active in gambling and theft.
Salvatore Cardinale
Paul Cipoli
Philip Corelli
Leonard Falzone: Living in Las Vegas
James Feliciano
Frank Ferraro
Peter Gerace
Dominic Italiano
Vincent Lombardo
Frank Marino
Robert Panaro: Living in Las Vegas
Frank Papalia: Retired in Canada.
John Pieri
Joseph Pugliesi: Lives in Hamilton, Ontario. He is allegedly active.
Victor Sansanese
Vincent Sicurella: Retired in Buffalo. He is in poor health.
Joseph Todaro, Jr.: Inactive and working at La Nova.

(On a side note: He was wrong about where Bifulco and Falzone lived. BiFulco was and is in Buffalo majority of the time... Falzone was definitely in Buffalo full time before he passed, not Vegas. He had a regular breakfast spot of Delaware Ave. in Buffalo. But Pieri is in Vegas operating "Immaculate Carpets & Cleaning Services" with his son.)

@Nickyyou mentioned that you did not remember the Canadian Papilia Crew being listed on FBI 2006 chart when I posted the 2012 chart that was based off it ... This chart lists them too. Again I don't see any of the names of those arrested in Canada in November of 2017 on this list. Here is the list:

Charged on Thursday morning were:1) Domenico Paolo Violi, Hamilton;2) Dimitar Dimitrov, Stoney Creek; 3) Adriano Valentino Scolieri, Richmond Hill; 4) Bernardo Luke Rotolo, Woodbridge; 5) Tran Giang Tang, 6) Kam Tim Tong, both of Markham; 7) Nicholas Valentine, Vaughan; 8)Anthony James Arroyo, Waterloo; 9) James Lincoln Jablonski, Mississauga.

The papers in Canada definitely said the arrests included members of the "Todaro Crime Family." Now back to my logic and questions for you. Here they are below:

I find it interesting the 2006 chart that you are found of referring to did not have any of these 9 individuals on it. Logically, that leaves one of two possibilities:

1. The chart was wrong and there were additional soldiers the Feds did not know about.
--If true, the family would have been stronger than the chart suggested.
--If true, the Violi brothers could have been made in the Buffalo family but not listed in the 2006 chart.
2. The Buffalo family made members after 2006.
--If true, it indicates the family was stronger than the 2006 chart suggests.
--And/or the family has rebuilt and is stronger than the 2006 chart suggests.

Help me Nicky, am I wrong? Is there another possibility? If not, which of the two options do you choose?

What say ye?

Good stuff Nickle.
Until we find out more information, I'd pick the 1st of your options.
Although I really don't know.
But I commend your researching skills.

Originally Posted by The_Rooster
You can continue on and on and on and on until you are blue in the face. Your not believed 100% just deal with it. Ive thrown girly insults because you act like a girl.

Thanks for admitting you were throwing girly insults. I wonder what Bensonhurst is going to say now.

Originally Posted by The_Rooster

I didnt contradict myself because there is nothing to contradict. I didnt go back and review every post in 2016 and make sure it corroborates, Im just simply not lying and not misleading anyone.

Rooster. Again I ask that you can "quote" my comments when you reply to them so I don't have to keep going back and checking what you are responding to. That way you can also make sure you havent missed anything I said.
Originally Posted by The_Rooster

Just because you say it doesnt mean its the truth, just like everyone else on here and what they post.

That's the most ironic thing you've said this entire thread.
For people to believe you, means that have to believe solely, 100% on your word, your corroborated word, alone. Right? Do you agree? Rooster, I'd like you to respond to this one. Because YES, just because I say something DOES NOT mean it's true. This is why I offer sources, evidence, references. You do NONE of that. You expect people to rely SOLELY on your word alone. And you can say "Nickle and Giacomo agree with me" but you still have facts and information that neither of those can corrorborate.

So, again, just because I say something, doesn't mean it's the truth.
But here's the thing:
Just because YOU say something, doesn't mean it's the truth.
If you want to call me out, look in the fuckin mirror. Because Bensonhurst and others around here seem to think you are some sort of expert on subjects, even though you have no proof in the vast majority of your claims about the family.
And here's the worst part about this. Even though you offer no proof (and you scoffed at me when I asked for proof as if it was some unheard-of concept), you still think people HAVE to believe you. Because, according to you, they're delusional if they don't believe. How does that work? Again, Rooster, if you're going to respond to anything, respond to this.

Originally Posted by The_Rooster

Giacomo may have admitted to lying but he knows a lot of random things that have happened.

None of which either he or you can prove.
And if he admits to lying, for no apparent reason, why do you hold him on such a pedastal? But not Coppola? Just because Coppola used the wrong adjective ONCE in his article, you scrap away any respect you had for him even though he is not only acclaimed, he is well-researched. But when Giacomo admits to lying and lies on multiple occasions for no apparent reason, that doesn't occur to you as odd?
Giacomo is a resident bullshitter. How often does he bullshit? That is impossible to determine because, like everything he says about Buffalo, there is no way to offer proof for/against at the moment.
But the fact that he has been caught lying on multiple occasions should be enough to quickly scrap his credibility. And the worst part is, he hasn't even been proven RIGHT on anything "street talk" he puts out.

Originally Posted by The_Rooster

Nickle and Benson bring you logic and you simply tell them it isnt logic based on inaccuracies and contradictions in articles YOU PROVIDE! and that theres nothing to connect...says who??? Nicky from Tampa?? Which means what dude?? A Nothing. A screen name??? Get it? No, ofcourse not, because you want what you say to be believed by everyone.

Again with the irony.
You don't want anyone to believe a word I say, but people are, in your words, delusional if the don't believe the almighty, uncorroborated, Rooster, whose beat cops know everything about the family but can't make a bust.

Originally Posted by The_Rooster

Thats not life dude. Wake up and allow people to connect whatever dots they want and deal with it. I seriously think you have some mental issues to continue this a month later and tell everyone basically they are idiots time and time again for feeling a certain way on not only what I say or anyone else but what you give them in published articles.

Your very first comment on this thread. VERY FIRST.
Was calling people DELUSIONAL for not believing your point of view.
Where is the double standard here? Are you that fucking ignorant?
Everything you are accusing me of doing is stuff you've been doing since the beginning of this thread.
So, I say to you:
That's not life, Rooster. Wake up and allow people to connect whatever dots they want and deal with it. Don't call people delusional if they don't believe your uncorrorborated bullshit story.
I seriously think you have some mental issues Rooster, to basically tell everyone they are "delusiona" for feeling a certain way on not only what I say, but what is backed up by feds, DAs, federal prosecutors, proven mob experts, and investigative journalists.

Originally Posted by The_Rooster

We dont believe you or your articles, do you understand?? Get a life.

And we don't believe you or your uncorrorborated, fictional, made-up, disproven, bullshit. Do you understand? Get a life.

And Rooster! Remember that if you want to properly reply to me, use the "quote" button like I have done. This way you can't miss anything I've written, just like I can't miss yours.
Originally Posted by The_Rooster
Good work Nickle, as weve gone over 100x, there is more than meets the eye, and a structure and viability.

Your logic is appreciated and understood from people who actually read books and understand the world.

Books by who?
Investigative journalists? Who, according to you, all have an agenda and are colluding to lie about the Buffalo mob? Yeah... Respond to this one...

Originally Posted by NickleCity
Originally Posted by The_Rooster
You can continue on and on and on and on until you are blue in the face. Your not believed 100% just deal with it. Ive thrown girly insults because you act like a girl.

I didnt contradict myself because there is nothing to contradict. I didnt go back and review every post in 2016 and make sure it corroborates, Im just simply not lying and not misleading anyone.

@Nicky... People do learn an that causes people to change some of what they think and believe over time. We call that growth. My opinions are constantly evolving as I learn more... That doesn't make me a liar, because I don't believe everything I used to think in 2016.

I agree Nickle, and my opinions are constantly changing too.