You can continue on and on and on and on until you are blue in the face. Your not believed 100% just deal with it. Ive thrown girly insults because you act like a girl.

I didnt contradict myself because there is nothing to contradict. I didnt go back and review every post in 2016 and make sure it corroborates, Im just simply not lying and not misleading anyone. Just because you say it doesnt mean its the truth, just like everyone else on here and what they post.

Giacomo may have admitted to lying but he knows a lot of random things that have happened.

Nickle and Benson bring you logic and you simply tell them it isnt logic based on inaccuracies and contradictions in articles YOU PROVIDE! and that theres nothing to connect...says who??? Nicky from Tampa?? Which means what dude?? A Nothing. A screen name??? Get it? No, ofcourse not, because you want what you say to be believed by everyone. Thats not life dude. Wake up and allow people to connect whatever dots they want and deal with it. I seriously think you have some mental issues to continue this a month later and tell everyone basically they are idiots time and time again for feeling a certain way on not only what I say or anyone else but what you give them in published articles.

We dont believe you or your articles, do you understand?? Get a life.

Dont worry about what Im doing