FULL METAL JACKET (1987) - *****

Kubrick dished out another masterpiece, this time with the war genre, in a film with a brilliant 1st half, where ordinary men are trained to be killing machines until one does break down, and an even MORE spectacular 2nd half, where funny enough, for a conflict of Vietnam that we usually envision fights in jungles, it takes place in a sterile urban environment.

So much I loved about this movie, but one would be how for once, the shooting of guns isn't like some video game, where you point and BANG. No, you can see the bullets hit all over the vicinity of the target, which really you don't see much in movies. Nevermind the movie's great black humor, which unlike Kubrick's DR. STRANGELOVE, isn't really on the surface, but instead it, lurking around, only giving rare glimpses of it to people who happen to catch a glance of it. Really the Big Foot of the movie.