Wildly popular cult movie made in the aftermath of the Quentin Tarantino/Kevin Smith pop culture-era that is a fucking mess.

Is this a comic book-ish vigilante action movie? A campy silly flick? A Irish nationalism masturbation porno?

This film tried to be a PUNISHER-comics in terms of enjoyment, two brothers killing bad people for the Lord and that shit, which is fine. However, then writer/director Troy Duffy wanted to make it part of the post-modernistic movement of the 1990s.....but because he tried to make a fusion flick, but with two incompatable narratives, the film fails because...what does it want to be?

As for Dafoe, well he does give his best, I'll give Irishman that. Hell, the only scene I laughed was when he bitchslapped that dude in bed for trying to cuddle with him.

One shot I did like, though too bad Duffy didn't put much thought like this throughout the movie, was near the end, with the boys smuggling the guns into the courthouse.

Notice that Duffy hasn't made a movie since SAINTS...but that is another story!