Mulholland Dr.
2001; Lynch

(my 1st David Lynch film)

I came out of this film feeling raped. Mentally raped. The film just fucks with your head so much, and fucks with nearly everything you think you know about how a movie should go. Lynch seems to have made just the right mixture of a fairly conventional film with quirky elements (the 1st half), and a complete mind-fuck of a film with no real clear narrative that just sends its viewers down a pitch black rollercoaster tunnel of confusion and pleasure (the 2nd half).

I really liked the movie, but I didn't get it. After reading the imdb trivia, supposedly there is actually something to get, which astounds me, so I'm eagerly looking forward to a rewatch, although I feel like I might ultimately like the film more not completely understanding it. In the end, I kind of saw the whole thing as a big metaphor for the emotional processes of relationships, the mental feelings, but played out in physical form.

4.5/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.