Scott; 1979

I really really liked this movie. I'm starting more and more to respect the science-fiction genre, which I had previously written off for the most part. Sigourney Weaver was great, as was the rest of the supporting cast, especially Yaphet Kotto. Great storyline, amazing camera work by Scott, as well as exceptional lighting, cinematography, and music, etc. Ridley Scott's direction and his creative vision really shine through. I actually liked this much better than Blade Runner, which seems to be more widely acclaimed.

All in all, Alien made a great package. I'm kind of surprised to see that the sequel is ranked as slightly better by most, especially considering it's directed by James Cameron who I consider a wannaba-Spielberg for the most part, but we'll see. I'm about to go watch that now.

But anyway, as for Alien . . .

4.5/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.