Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (Every Man For Himself and God Against All of Them/The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser)
Werner Herzog
1974 West Germany (2nd time; DVD)
In 1828 Nuremberg, a 16-year-old boy, with no previous interaction with the world, is found, his origins unknown.
A rather mysterious story told in a simple, profound way; Bruno S., whom Herzog cast in the lead role after seeing many real-life parallels, offers an unflinchingly warm and often haunting presence as the "outcast" at the centre of things.

La Soufrière - Warten auf eine unausweichliche Katastrophe
Werner Herzog
1977 West Germany (2nd time; VHS)
On the island of Guadaloupe, a volcano shows signs of erupting. While the nearby population evacuates, Werner Herzog ascends the mountain in search of the man refusing to move.
Fantastic, characteristic view of the director's fascination and search for his own reasoning behind confronting danger, as much obsessed with the absence of disaster as with the foreboding of it.

Die Große Ekstase des Bildschnitzers Steiner / The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner
Werner Herzog
1973 West Germany (3rd time; VHS)
A carpenter whose true love in life is ski-flying sets world records and becomes a phenomenon.
The said phenomenom is not least in the director's eyes, or even in Steiner's own psychology; a beautiful evocation of a man wanting to, like the director, push as many of his own boundaries as he can. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?