Originally Posted by The_Rooster
The longer winded that Nicky gets in his posts the more he prays he is right and none of what we are saying is credible.

So you're trying to call me out on writing long posts? How does that help your argument in any way? How is writing long posts a bad thing? What a useless thing to post...

Originally Posted by The_Rooster
Its ok Nicky, Localzo is still the boss of Tampa, at least we know thats the truth

So this is what your argument is now? Calling me out for saying someone can be the boss of a defunct family? You've ignored my numerous explanations for saying what I said about LoScalzo. You've ignored the fact that the very same thing happened with D'Elia. Go back and actually read what I said, instead of ignoring it and purposely taking what I said out of context. Because that is exactly what you're doing.

Anyways, you sound like a broken record at this point. I guess you have nothing more to say than to nitpick and take one old comment in this thread purposely out of context. NickleCity is actually taking the time to put some thought and research into his posts, so maybe you should move over and let the big boys talk...
Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Honestly I thought Nicky was being a real hard ass with you guys

However, yesterday I read through the links of the articles that were posted I think by Rooster

I find one thing very strange

Let me say I am not all saying I do not believe you guys
But here are my thoughts

Please let me know your thoughts about my thoughts:

I think we all agree that reporters will a lot of times exaggerate a mob connection because lets face it everyone loves a good mob story
So even if there is none or very little
A reported will add that to the story

I looked at all those articles and yes there were Italians commiting crimes, that were typically LCN crimes.

No mention of mob ties?

Why is that I am curios to know?

The other thing is if you google and please bear with me I am new and not the best at research that is all I know "GOOGLE"
But if you google Buffalo Mafia arrests

You get nothing for atleast the last 10 year or more.
Again why would that be?

Every other state that has an active mafia family has indictments and new articles.

I am curios to know why you think that is the case??

So the FBI states they are dead..OK
What about the state?

What about the drug dealers that got pinched and are looking at 10+ years that are doing business with LCN guys that are willing to flip to get out from under the jail time?

None of them either?
No CI's

No one has gotten shaken down and has run to the cops/feds?

Where are the gambling indictments?

Where are the drug dealers that also LCN
How come they haven't gotten pinched?

My sentiments exactly Bensonhurst. No matter how good a family is at securing itself, there is always going to be one junkie that rats out his seller, who (after facing 10+ years), might rat out a soldier or associate he's under, or at least become a paid informant. That's just one example.There's got to be tons of paid informers in the mob at the moment. Look at FBI records, it's always "CI advises this" and "CI advises that." A guy can be a paid informer all his life and nobody will know until he's died and the feds decide to use some of his old information in a case. Hell, the Colombos almost had a paid informer as their boss. Greg Scarpa Sr. got pretty close to taking power of the entire family, until catching AIDS from a blood transfusion gone wrong. Scarpa was a guy who became a paid informer long before Joe Valachi was ever on the scene. Scarpa was young, facing a few years on a burglary count, decided to drop the FBI some dimes every now and then for cash and legal help.
In fact, if you want a Buffalo example, look at Ron Fino. The guy was a paid informer since college.

In Detroit you still have busts in which law enforcement explicitly states a mob connection. Tommy Mackey in the last couple of years. The D'Anna Bros. in 2013. Busts are few and far between, but definitely still there. And law enforcement knows there is still a mafia there, and has explicitly said so. NickleCity has stated that the feds could be covering up the existence of the mafia in hope that they get sloppy, but I believe that to be an extreme stretch of the imagination which is unheard of in recent history.

With the Ciminelli bust, it wasn't just the feds following a paper trail and coming to conclusions based on financial irregularities. That was part of it, but there was actually an undercover informer involved in the case, who was taking bribes. This guy never, ever mentioned a mob connection. And he is the one guy that would KNOW of a mob connection. He's got no reason to hide that. Mob rats only hide stuff if they think it'll get them in even more trouble with the law, like how Tommy McLaughlin wouldn't give too many details on a home invasion-murder because he was the triggerman, and the feds didn't know that.

Originally Posted by NickleCity

Here is what we know:

1. What the Canadians call the Todaro Crime Family is active in Hamilton, NF, & MTA in Canada.
2. Canadian papers regular talk about the Luppino, Papalia, and even the Mustitano crime families (at least former) connections with Buffalo.
3. Buffalo has traditionally been, and is likely still, an important city for drug trafficking from Canada which has been dominated by Italian OC.

You are right on the second two points, but in the first point all we know is that members of the Todaro crime family have been arrested someplace in Canada as part of last year's Bonanno bust. However, none of these Todaro crime family members (there can only have been a few guys arrested since 9 in total were busted and we already know some of their names), have been charged with racketeering, or Canada's equivalent of it. So there's no confirming that they did what they did as part of an actual criminal enterprise, i.e. the Todaro crime family or the Musitano crime family or the Bonanno crime family. They were only arrested for drug trafficking.


Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Listen I am not trying to give anyone a hard time.

I personally think anything is POSSIBLE

I am just baffled as to why the news reports would just not mention anything mafia related

Would you guys admit that is is very very strange
What would be the motive

And again Nicky, wasn't saying:

1) That there are no mobsters left
2) That whoever was left was not commiting crime

What he is saying is that there is no formal structure

You have a made guy he is never unmade per se
However, if he is lending someone money he is doing it on his own at this point.

There is no one to kick anything up to.

And guys do retire
Is it possible that Todaro because he has all the Pizza money and business

Said ok I do not want to die in the can

i don't need the money

I am done

Would that be so unheard of?

He has the means to walk away and he just decieded it was best for him to do so.

Again anything is possible.

At this point I guess time will tell.

Thank you for sharing all that you guys have.

Thanks Bensonhurst. You have summed up my points exactly.
Todaro's pizza company makes millions of dollars, and exports food all the way to Europe and China. He is at the place every day, full time. I think there is no doubt in anyone's mind he is fully retired by now, and has been for AT LEAST 10 years.