Personally, i dont believe the actual Buffalo faction to be involved in drugs at higher quantities anyways.

And a lot of underlings or potential CIs would only have a chance to snitch on that illegal activity not truly knowing the intricacies of loans, gambling, labor fraud, pension skimming

I think that its real simple, theyve managed to stay way under the radar and are quasi legit....buuut there still is a heairachy

Giacomo just posted that the Local 91 bust jn fact contained associates, which I didnt know

I believe that the same thing happened in Buffalo, that happened in NYC although on a smaller scale.

Law enforcement resources shifted to terrorism and gangs and then the family was able to stabilize and increase membership and reassert its influence in Canada or vice versa, as Giacomo stated in an earlier post.

Again, personally, from what I hear and the recent bust last year and even the busts I have mentioned as being connected to the family show a viable family, I have no vested interest in them existing or not existing

Annnd there is holes in all our stories on this forum, even when citing sources we deem to be credible, which includes law enforcement and journalists

Dont worry about what Im doing