Honestly I thought Nicky was being a real hard ass with you guys

However, yesterday I read through the links of the articles that were posted I think by Rooster

I find one thing very strange

Let me say I am not all saying I do not believe you guys
But here are my thoughts

Please let me know your thoughts about my thoughts:

I think we all agree that reporters will a lot of times exaggerate a mob connection because lets face it everyone loves a good mob story
So even if there is none or very little
A reported will add that to the story

I looked at all those articles and yes there were Italians commiting crimes, that were typically LCN crimes.

No mention of mob ties?

Why is that I am curios to know?

The other thing is if you google and please bear with me I am new and not the best at research that is all I know "GOOGLE"
But if you google Buffalo Mafia arrests

You get nothing for atleast the last 10 year or more.
Again why would that be?

Every other state that has an active mafia family has indictments and new articles.

I am curios to know why you think that is the case??

So the FBI states they are dead..OK
What about the state?

What about the drug dealers that got pinched and are looking at 10+ years that are doing business with LCN guys that are willing to flip to get out from under the jail time?

None of them either?
No CI's

No one has gotten shaken down and has run to the cops/feds?

Where are the gambling indictments?

Where are the drug dealers that also LCN
How come they haven't gotten pinched?