1. One nonfiction book - The Glory and the Dream, William Manchester
2. One serious novel - A Tree Growns in Brooklyn, Betty Smith. For sentimental reasons.
3. One book of comedy- Holidays in Hell, PJ O'Rourke
4. One dramatic movie- Casablanca
5. One comedy movie- The Holy Grail
6. A set of DVDs of one sitcom- Fawlty Towers
7. A set of DVDs from one dramatic TV show- The Twilight Zome
8. CDs of the works of one classical composer- Mozart, always Mozart
9. CDs of the recordings of one popular musician (or group)- The Clash
10. One live recording of any performance- Get Yer Ya Yas Out, the Rolling Stones
11. One piece of fine art (reproduction)- Circe Invidiosa, JW Waterhouse
12. One media "wild card"- The Monterey Festival Film, because I never get tired of watching Otis Redding

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?