Unknown White Male
Rupert Murray
2005 UK (1st time; big screen)
In 2003, Englishman Doug Bruce, living in Coney Island, suffered from an extremely rare form of amnesia, losing all memory and knowledge of his friends and family before that point.
A film made by Bruce's friend, with whom he has had to reconnect from scratch since. This has come under extreme attack and its authenticity has been brought into question by many scathingly curious critics; as an exploration of memory and what we all comprise, however, it may be the victim of unnecessary questions.

Karol Lir (King Lear)
Grigori Kozintsev
1970 USSR (1st time; big screen)
A Russian version of Shakespeare's play, well-translated by Boris Pasternak.
Excellently-acted, visually memorable, and fascinating to watch; Shakespeare's prose remains intact, and the final act is riveting, but as a whole it is difficult to sit through.

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?