
Well, I watched this a week ago and found so many spectacular new things about it. The last couple days, I've been craving a rewatch so bad, so I decided to start it at 3:45 AM seeing as there wasn't much else to do. The best thing was I got towards the end of the film right as the sun was coming up. Really adds a lot to the climax.

The film worked on so many different and deeper levels for me this time around, and it just continued to astound me throughout. So perfectly structured, so perfectly shot, perfectly edited and lit, and written. The film has so much to say and it does it all through the examination of the lives of a small group of individuals throughout just 24 hours.

Man, what a fantastic film. Gave me what was probably the strongest emotional response I've had towards a movie in a really long time. It inspires and excites me so much to watch it, I just want to start writing and working right away.

5/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.