AMERICAN HISTORY X is about as deep as a piece of paper, in terms of writing and directing.

However, it is the ACTING that makes this movie worth watching, from Edward Norton's Oscar-nominated turn to even Ed Furlong(before his smack-addiction killed his career) doing solid work, and hey, I can't say no to THE Keach!

If anything, the movie's greatest scene to which I liked in terms of writing is one that hardly anyone talks about.


With Furlong writing that flashback to Norton's executions of those black criminals, remember that he types of how Furlong, if he had fully testified to what he saw, would have probably sent his older brother to a life/death sentence instead of a 7-year(or 5, I can't remember) prison term.

Then again, I sort of prefer the original scripted ending, to which with no dialogue, we watch how after his little brother's death at the school, Edward Norton then proceeds to shave his hair off. However, not with the angry viciousness that we saw his eyes display earlier as a skinhead, but now his eyes are just totally disapointed, disillusioned, you name it.

Still, a good film...and yes, it wipes its ass with that piece of shit CRASH. Funny enough, I'm surprised that Lavinia hasn't gone MAMA MIA over me for not liking it, like with DEER HUNTER and others.