SHE HATE ME (2004) - *1/2

Man, Spike Lee took alot of garbage for his decent SUMMER OF SUM picture, of which he followed with the intriging-if-failed BAMBOOZLED, and then this movie, to which like Levinson's TOYS, nothing works. If anything, what is the point?

There is Lee's commentary on epic white collar crime, responsbility, moral responsibility, the Mafia, Lesbians, Male prostitution, Studding....and yes, its as off the wall and as random in the movie as it sounds. A total failure of a film, with its greatest highlight of such mistakes is John Turturro and Monica Belluchi as the Mobster and his lesbian daughter, who becomes a recipient of the protagonist's "Man Milk". Really, he plays her father, and yet he is 47, she being 40. Eh?

The only things that maybe saved this movie from a total BOMB score is a scene where the protagonist, who becomes a stud for lesbians who want kids of their own, is studied from head to toe like a horse or animal. Too bad the rest of the film isn't as touching or humiliating.

Thank god Lee sprung back with INSIDE MAN last month!