Two films today so I'll try and be brief:

Ice Age 2

You know what you're getting. The classic animated film sequel fit for all ages. You either like them or you don't. I particularly found this one better than the first. The highlights are with Scrat and his acorn - his adventures are funnier and more creative in the sequel.

Saw 2

If you've seen the first you know what you're getting. Another terrific freaky film. So I have no excuse for watching it at a mates house until 2am and then knowing I've got to walk home (just glad I didn't swallow some hashish this time). Again, as with the first, I would liked to have seen a bigger psychological struggle testing their morals and will to live. It was hardly explored with the captives (except the huge latino guy with the nail club) but it was with the detective. Desperation can bring out the worst in people. I'm happily awaiting Saw 3.

On a side note I was reading the comments for Saw 2 on IMDB and came across someones idea of an extra scene during the credits. You'll find it here:
I thought it was genius and scare the shit out of me.

So die all who betray Giuliano