Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Originally Posted by Aces
Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Ever consider that most minority gang members don't want to control businesses, unions, or large scale rackets?

They clearly lack the sophistication amd intellect to do so. Its not that they dont want to, its that they couldnt even if they wanted to. First , you would need to let them know what a pension was, then what a union was, then explain what a union is and why they wre profitable. Lets not even go into textiles and construction.

I don't know, Aces. What are you saying here? That black people are simply genetically unintelligent and incapable of handling sophisticated tasks, by way of their racial DNA? It seems like this is your overall point. Do you believe this?

I never said that. Why dont we evaluate the evidnce first and then draw some conclusions. Perhaps we can compare black neighborhoods and italian american neighborhoods and then make an few comparisons.