The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
Tommy Lee Jones
2005 US/France (1st time; big screen)
A Texan rancer finds the Border Patrolman who accidentally killed his immigrant friend, and takes him on a journey to fulfill the deceased's request of burying him in his hometown.
An extraordinary film to look at, it evokes a rare sense of setting merely through its colour palette and musical score; it has a freewheeling, meandering and original narrative which is perhaps hurt slightly by the chapter titles, and is caught between wanting to give time to characters it oddly doesn't give enough detail to.

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul
Fatih Akin
2005 Turkey/Germany (1st time; big screen)
Bassist Alexander Hacke travels round Istanbul to explore the city as a musical haven of eclectic sounds and cultures.
For the most part, an insightful, often mesmerising music documentary full of passion and a feel for Istanbul; the music speaks for itself.

Broken English
Philip Hogan
2006 US (1st time)
Several teenagers try to connect with, and fail to understand, one another.
A short quite clearly made by somebody whose world has been filtered onto the canvas with nothing but personal strokes, this is hurt deeply by bad sound and acting to match. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?