THE ROOKIE (1990) - *1/2

Oh jesus christ!

Its funny how relevant this review is to the babble up above my post in regards to MILLION DOLLAR BABY, which itself is only and ultimately remarkable to watch for in Hilary Swank's performance. Why the relevancy?

Clint Eastwood usually is a good director, one of which does deserve some respect that he has some critics.

Unfortunately, this rep that Eastwood has among some critics seem to came out of nowhere with MYSTIC RIVER, then his 2nd Best Director Oscar for MILLION DOLLAR BABY, and yet I do wonder...

Where were these critics when Eastwood directed the pretty damn great THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES? The supernatural western HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER, solid genre outings like PLAY MISTY FOR ME and PALE RIDER? Hell, what about his jazz-geekdom biopic BIRD? Better yet, some decent efforts like WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART and A PERFECT WORLD? Nevermind that he had won an Oscar earlier for UNFORGIVEN, but again, those critics I guess considered him to be a Redford or Beatty, as in an actor with a one-time shot at directing, of which critics were amazed that an actor could actually direct it seems( :rolleyes: ).....

Sorry for the rant, but when I read people that praise Eastwood to pieces after MYSTIC RIVER, the only thing I can remember is this: What was his movies before RIVER? Why they were such turkeys as BLOOD WORK, SPACE COWBOYS, TRUE CRIME, and god knows what else.

THE ROOKIE unfortunately was one of them turkeys, with Eastwood starring/directing himself in what seems to have been his attempt at a LETHAL WEAPON-esque buddy action/comedy cop franchise with then-major star Charlie Sheen, and quite an absolute failure at that.

Imagine every cliche that you can about that genre of the time. Now, picture them to the most expected and banal way that they are imaginable. Congrats, you've just seen THE ROOKIE.

However, if I thought this movie was this crappy, why the extra 1/2 a star instead of a total bomb rating?

Well, considering that poor Charlie Sheen comes off quite hilariously in an unintentional way when he tries to be a badass suddenly. I'm sorry, but he intimidates me as much as Alex Trebeck. Still, I got good laughs. Hell, I could see his father Martin kicking someone's ass, but fucking Wild Thing himself? RIIIIIIIIIGHT.

Second, the fact that the iconic tough man Eastwood gets raped by the villainess. No really, you read that right. He acts like he got violated, and I'm thinking..."well, he didn't get raped like DELIVERENCE, so what is he crying about?" Poor Rowdy Yates...

Third, there was this goofy moment when both Sheen and Eastwood are being chased by a private jet plane in the weeds of LAX. Maybe Eastwood didn't have enough experience, or perhaps he just didn't succeede this time, but this was pretty damn laughable. Then this was followed by when both actors decide to split up, of which then both seem almost tracked down by this one plane....DESPITE splitting up in seperate directions. WHAT THE HELL?!?!

Fourth, the late Raul Julia played the villain, who for some reasons also happens to be German. For those that are not in the joke....

Raul Julia was Puerto Rican. :p

Avoid this clunker, for its not even watchable on cable TV....