Rooster, why are you so hell bent on proving the Arm still exists ? It doesn't, I live in the suburb that's 20-25 minutes from EVERY place in WNY. I can get to Hertel in 4 minutes, The Falls Casino in 25 and downtown only 15 minutes. I live here too. And there simply is no more family. Again like it's been said before that doesn't mean there are no mafioso left in the city who is still involved in crime, just that the family is finished. There's no administration. There is no soldiers. Even if it was still alive there is zero chance there are more then 10-15 legit made guys still active. That's a glorified crew not a family.

And it'll never come back. Not unless you allow any earner to join even if they don't have a vowel at the end of their name. And if they do that then they aren't even Cosa Nostra anymore just another street gang. It's never coming back. There aren't enough Young Hard working Italian men to replenish the ranks. There is zero reason for a young man of Italian/Sicilian heritage to kick up the ladder, there is no benefit. There's no more extreme violence. They have no power left in the unions etc....even if there was a young man who was Italian descent who was a earner (moving product or loan sharking or book making/running a card game ) why would he want to get involved and forced to kick up to some guy who he has zero loyalty to? Why would anyone want to give 10-20% of their weekly earnings in 2018. This isn't the 60s/70s anymore. The only thing you would get being involved with Cosa Nostra in 2018 is your name coming up in investigations