I had a good week end, movie-wise.

Watched Sideways and enjoyed it thoroughly. A poignant and fun one, quite a rare combination. Never seen Paul Giamatti's acting before: he's a pleasant surprise indeed. AND, last but not least, the movie made me want to visit Californian wineries ASAP!

Watched Collateral. I loved this movie. I hadn't experienced a movie as exciting as this for so long. I knew Cruise's performance was generally considered to be great and I definitely agree, but appreciated Foxx's too.

As for Donnie Darko is concerned, it was kind of perplexing. Charming its own way, but definitely not my kind of movie. Honestly I hate it when movies do not basically follow a straight and clear pattern, and I knew that this one was going to be wierd. Nonetheless I had to watch it because my current crush - Jake Gyllenhaall - is the leading character. Boy, he's great. I mean, he was only 20 or so when doing this movie and played the role of a troubled teenager with the mastery of a veteran. Combining this performance with the superb one he gave in Brokeback Mountain, I can easily say he's one of the most talented young stars now. Hope he will be given other amazing roles.

I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell the truth. I tell what ought to be truth (Blanche/A streetcar named desire)