Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Italians more so because of their proximity to Africa.

You keep repeating this, I assume in an effort to get the Italians here angry. If they fall for the bait and respond in kind, you will then complain they are flaming you.


Why would saying Italians having African lineage make Italians angry?

a) It's true.

b) there's nothing wrong with it

or C) Italy and all the countries that face the Mediterranean have undergone various influences over the centuries but North Africa is Arab and Muslim and the only Arabs conquered Sicily in 900 AD;

D) Italy having been divided into small states until 1870 didn't have a univocal influence, in Trentino Alto Adige there is a German influence, in the Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont a French influence, in southern Italy we are closer to Spain and even in Sardinia we speak Castilian in certain areas.

So stop say that Italians are african.