I know 2 non stripper workers there , more so in the Jersey City joint and while it was clearly mob associated with the 10% bs ATM fees, vending machine , garbage and allowing the girls to make extra $ in
The champagne room I never got the feeling or heard they were getting a cut of drug proceeds . The place was obviously a drug dealer magnet and shit was going down but more so like any other bar rather then
Owner approved dealing as that's a guarantee cop magnet and they had all sorts of OC guys and not just Italian. Guys smart enough not to be a part of that unless it was the Russians I guess. Feel free to elaborate.

The Jersey City one was a hang out for west side guys that were all popped in the garbage bust and Papa Smurf would go there , as well as Russian wise guys
That were easy marks as they always had the Crystal bottles flowing . Heard they were actually involved in construction and used
A lot of Polish workers that recently came here. Anyway the rat owner on one of the robberies had a shotgun placed into his back while he was on his knees
Crying, that I know for a fact . With the boom in Jersey City construction that place must of had a ton of discussion in local garage and construction deals. Maybe that
Was LE focus until the word was out in his talk show side racket.