Originally Posted by Neo
Originally Posted by NickyfromTampa
Originally Posted by MeyerLansky
wow thanks a lot nicky !
i wonder how it feels when you get orders in front of your son

Here's what Vincent Asaro thought of the situation:
"Fuck Jerry. Fuck him in his ass. Fucking Jerry is for Jerry. Jerry's for Jerry. I lost my son. I lost my son when I made him a skipper. I lost my son when I put him there. Jerry's for Jerry. Fucking greedy cocksucker. Greedy cocksucker. Got him a job. $600 a fucking week, he was sending your son (Anthony 'Fat Sammy' Valenti) to do everything. He didn’t do a fucking thing… (inaudible) the last fucking person in the world (inaudible). I lost my son when I made him as acting skipper."

Where can I read the rest of that wire tap? that sounds like an interesting rant

His rants and wiretapped quotes are unfortunately not very well compiled - they are sprinkled around in 2014 indictment and detention memo, and many were played during his trial.