Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
ULTRAVIOLET (2006) - **1/2

Kurt Wimmer(writer/director of EQUILIBRIUM) basically brings us Americans a life-action 80 minute anime TV/movie program, where the thin story itself serves the purpose of the visuals and action.....thing is, Wimmer perhaps succeeded TOO well, for despite easily another hat thrown in the computer-assisted cinematic beauty contest that SIN CITY threw down last year....the story is shit.

If you go see it, let your eyes love the images.....for your other senses will feel bored.
Funny saying this but even me the self appointed bubblegum/popcorn movie champion felt board watching this movie.
The story was thin, like anorexicly. In fact I've seen this twice and during the second screening I actually fell asleep. Milla's acting is all over the place in this, her tone changes from scene to scene - the biggest one for me was on the roof when the kid is standing on the rail, just her manor of speech and everything just brings me crashing into reality (destroying my suspension of disbelief).
The fight scenes are cool, I give him that Kurt can do one hell of an action scene.
The look of the movie is...well it looks like Liquid! Graphics did the color for the film. It opens up with pictures of comic book covers and so that really ties into the look.
The best thing about this movie is William Fichtner, he is the only person in the film that did work that I would call a “performance”, I came out of my second screening of this movie with only one thought (well two I mean the movie pretty much just features Milla’s bare midsection) Fichtner is the freaking man…man. I’ve seen him in all kinds of stuff and I can’t wait to see him in more.

I give you Ultraviolet a D, and mostly that is because I love Equilibrium so much.

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