Originally Posted by Flushing

Just about what you might expect from an MSM outlet like the New Yorker. It only finds its way to print if it has an intersectional feminist orthodox angle.

The 'Ndrangheta has not been "undone" by women, nor has the NY mafia been undone by women. I watched a parade of women gravitate to gangsters my entire youth, for reasons I still can't understand or explain.

I agree. The feminist angle is the worst part of the story, and is very ideologically contrived. However, I felt that there were a lot of interesting details in the story, especially pertaining to the great control that the 'Ndrangheta has over Calabrian society. Economically, they appear to completely dominate such towns as Rosarno, Gioia Tauro, San Ferdinando. Domination, corruption, and horrific neglect of basic services. I have distant relatives in all these places. I wonder how far this kind of totalizing influence extends to other parts of Calabria. Do they dominate the entire province or simply certain towns? I have closer cousins in the Mount Poro area, not too far north of Rosarno. I hope they do not suffer in the same way.

Also, their ruthless brutality is shocking. Pouring acid down your daughter's throat ???!!!

Last edited by dominic_calabrese; 03/03/18 12:01 AM.