Originally Posted by OakAsFan
I'd be willing to bet that Catholics have among the highest percentage of out-of-wedlock births compared to other religions, including atheists. And, it's for the same reason as black out of wedlock births, many of whom are also Catholic. The condemnation of contraception and abortion. Abortion is a very divisive issue, obviously, but contraception should be a no brainer. Any church or institution interfering with the availability of contraception to teenagers is part of the problem. It's also been proven that high schools with sex ed have less pregnancies than those without it. Of course, there are other factors. Schools with sex ed are typically well funded, in middle class areas, where as inner city schools are always put on the chopping block first, and sex ed would typically be one of the first things to go. The black church, very conservative on this issue, only exasperates this by actively lobbying against sex ed. The church is part of the problem. There's just no way around it. We're using 1950's methods to address a 21st century problem, and the results are disastrous.

Oh geez Oak, any PRACTICING GOOD Catholic would not have sex in the 1rst place b-4 marriage if they follow what they are taught in Parochial School, at least back in my day, I myself went 2 Catholic school 4 the 1rst 8 yrs. & do occasionally attend church, but even though I was raised in a strict Irish Catholic family,I don't consider myself a fiercely devoted Catholic,& I am ashamed 2 admit I was party to 3 abortions,because as a youth who headed down a wrong path,& made some mistakes,I figured if I can't take care of myself, how am I able 2 take care of a child. Selfish young thinking, & also because I was also VERY promiscuous & careless in my teens & 20s & the fact that I was in a heavy metal band in the 80s when that genre was at it's height did not help. U cant really blame the church, blame the INDIVIDUAL...and I know a million Catholics & can't think of 1 who had a child out of wedlock.

Last edited by hoodlum; 03/01/18 05:58 PM.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...