Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
I personally would say it would be kind of ridiculous to try to argue that critic's and other's opinions on films do not at all play a factor in determining one's choice of films to watch. It's not like you go to the movie theater or go to the video rental store and just choose something at random.
I agree.

There are movies I will see because of a particular actor, director, or its subject matter, regardless of the reviews.

And there are some that I will avoid for the same reasons, regardless of what the critics may say.

But we are all critics in one sense or another, and what we hear about films - from whatever the source, be it a "professional" review, or something that we read here on the BB, or whatever - very often plays some part in the selection process.

I don't think any of us limit ourselves to films that only involve cast members or directors or that we like, or subject matter that interests us.

If that were the case, we'd never expose ourselves to anything new.

As MMTH says "It's not like you go to the movie theater or go to the video rental store and just choose something at random."

"Difficult....not impossible"