Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] The Weather Man ***

I can sum this movie up in 1 word: hilarious. I couldn't believe how much humor was in this movie. I didn't know what to expect as I had no idea what this movie was about. It's good to see Nicholas Cage back with this movie and the recently released Lord of War.
This was one of my favorites from last year, but I actually valued it a little bit more for its dramatic moments. I do agree it worked well on both a dramatic and comedic sense, but I wouldn't go so far as to call the film hilarious. I think Cage's performance and the story itself hold a nice little sense of black or dark humor, kind of like a Coen brothers movie or American Beauty. Hilarious isnt exactly the word i'd label this type of humor with.

You agree? [/b][/quote]No I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you. It might not have intended to be hilarious but that's exactly what I thought of it. As a matter of fact that's 1 of the main reasons I'll probably buy it tomorrow when it comes out