Final Destination III

Do you really need me to run through the plot on this one, being that this is the second sequel it is getting pretty thin but a group of teens get on a roller coaster and one of them has a premonition and freaks out forcing a number of them off. Then the coaster does in fact crash and now Death is after them, armed with pictures of how they are going to die and knowing the order they try to evaded death’s icy cold grip.

Not the most original thing to come down the pipe by no means but not the most un-enjoyable either. Being a Final Destination movie you know that you will have some of those improbable sequence of event death scenes which are still pretty fun to watch, but actually in the deaths in Final Destination II are superior. It has a cast of young actors, but again not the greatest cast gathered for Final Destination movie.

What it does have is the backbone of the series with a known gimmick that could have seemed really stale at this point. In lesser hands it might of, I’m not saying that James Wong is a master of cinema but there are several missteps that could have been taken that weren’t. He kept it running at a good clip, not trying to weigh it down with expanded mythology making it clunky. It also played rather loose knowing that you knew the gist of it and what was going to happen but not going into that realm of over parody. This movie is as fun as you will let it be.

So I think that sums up that this is not the greatest movie to ever exist but then again they all can’t be can they. It’s fun and though no aspect of it particularly shines it doesn’t grate on you either(well me at least, but I seem to have an affinity for bubble gum movies). Thus I give you Final Destination III B probably got a slight bump just from the pedigree of the series.

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