Capo and Irish agreeing on a movie review???? That’s like a banker and a homeless guy agreeing on stock tips, more odd than perplexing. This is of course the part where I must vehemently disagree with you chaps though. I find just the idea of calling Fear & Loathing “self-indulgent” to be entertaining. I mean really you found an account of Hunter S. Thompson’s life to be self-indulgent, well then I guess it was pretty close to the source material then. “Dramatically mundane” well I suppose that it isn’t a “seat of you pants” – “thrill a minute” thriller like Flightplan [insert jerking-off hand motion here] but I wouldn’t exactly call it mundane. I’ll give you the point on it being a bit cult-ish though it’s just that I happen to be inside that particular array of humanity.

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