Main Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Patrick Swayze, and Drew Barrymore

Summary: During the presidential election of 1988, a teenager named Donnie Darko sleepwalks out of his house one night, and sees a giant, demonic-looking rabbit named Frank, who tells him the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds. He returns home the next morning to find that a jet engine has crashed through his bedroom. As he tries to figure out why he survived and tries to deal with people in his town, like the school bully, his conservative health teacher, and a self-help guru, Frank continues to turn up in Donnie's mind, causing him to commit acts of vandalism and worse.

Review: This was a really great film. Great direction by Richard Kelly in his first feature film, a great performance by Jake Gyllenhaal, definitely one of his best, an incredibly interesting storyline and storytelling format.

I really liked the fact that this film was set in 1988, considering the fact that it was made in 2001. Whenever a filmmaker chooses to set his story that close to the present day for apparently no specific reason, its a fairly bold decision, and Kelly really utilizes it well, as far as the clothes, the music, and the attitudes of many people, it feels as though it was filmed in the 80's at times, but in a positive way.

The storyline was really spectacular here especially. It's interesting how the viewers know as little about Donnie's condition as he does, and when Donnie makes realizations about his dreams and impulses, the viewers make them with him. Kelly also really effectively uses the technique of intercutting two events by switching back and forth between them. He is able to create some really nice, sometimes ironic images, that show the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of Donnie's hometown and its people.

This is a really deep film at times, calling into question matters of human nature, life and death, mental processes, etc. It's a really remarkable accomplishment when a film can take such basic subject matter and turn the story into an examination of the human mind in a way. One of the best aspects of this film.

Direction – 23/25
Acting – 23/25
Story – 20/20
Rewatchability – 18/20
Music – 8/10
TOTAL = 92%

92% = 4.5/5 Stars

Best Quote: "I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to."

I dream in widescreen.